We looked at College Magazine and also looked at other magazines targeted to the student audience.
With the two College magazines that we compared we noticed that it featured photographs of people students would be unaware of. However the pictures on TeenVogue and Billboard are both very famous celebrities. On College the two images represent students, they are both smiling at the camera which connotes friendliness, confidence and a genuine image. It also displays connection to the potential buyer. Similar to the image on College, TeenVogue also shows a person smiling connoting happiness, warmth and confidence. However the image used on Billboard is very much the opposite showing Eminem, a famous rapper scowling at the camera connoting power, strength and his hand on his heart connoting pride.
The colours used on both magazines are very similar. On the two feminine covers there are brighter colours used like red and pink whereas on the masculine covers there are greens and blues with a dark background. This connotes the difference between female and male preference.
On both magazines the College one and the more commercial one both use Sans Serif showing it is aimed at a younger more informal audience. Both College magazines use capitals connoting importance and urgency however Billboard and TeenVogue don't. The more mainstream magazines, TeenVogue and Billboard's cover stories are mainly featuring fashion unlike College which features stories about lifestyle and college life.